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Dear Voters,
Thank you for your support in 2023! I am so excited to serve on the Wayzata School Board for another four years!
The next regularly-scheduled school board election for WPS board members will be in 2025 for the seats currently held by Milind Sohoni, Heidi Kader, and Sarah Johansen (this information updated 6/25/24).
2023 Information (not current):
Four board seats are up for election in the Wayzata school district this year, which means voters can vote for up to four candidates. Sheila Prior is the only incumbent running for re-election. Wayzata school board seats are At Large, meaning elected board members represent the entire district.
Early voting takes place September 22 through November 6. Click below for early voting information:
Minnetonka residents
All other school district residents
If you would like to vote by mail, you can request an absentee ballot from the MN Secretary of State website.
If you are planning to vote on Election Day, November 7, check the MN Secretary of State Pollfinder for your voting location.
Don't forget the Tech Levy! In addition to voting for school board members, this year's ballot will ask voters to renew the Technology Levy. The Tech Levy is essential for maintaining the technology our students rely on every day for learning, safety, and support. Renewing the Tech Levy will not increase taxes.

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